The basic foundation for language learning. It is through listening that we are able to speak. Students will be exposed to listening materials and from our foreign teachers.
We’ve integrated T.P.R. to upgrade our students listening skill. T.P.R. was devised by James Asher, a psychologist at San Jose College,California.
聽是學習語言的基礎,透過聽力練習我們學會說,孩子將會大量接觸到聽力訓練及外師的激發,以提昇他們的聽力。在ESL教室裡,我們還加入了TPR (Total Physical Response 肢體全方位反應,Devised by James Asher, a psychologist at San Jose College,California. TPR是由加州聖荷西大學的心理學家James Asher所發明。) 來轉助孩子的聽力,讓孩子在沒有壓力之下有效的學習語言。
After students are exposed to listening, he/she is now confident to express himself. He may start from simple short sentences and will proceed to longer and more complex ones.
Opens the door to many countries and civilizations. Given quality of books ranging from classic fairy tales to fables, etc. Stories will inspire children to listen and participate later. Students are exposed to lots of Phonics and Sight Words that will aid them in reading with understanding later.
From basic strokes to writing letters, then simple sentences to more complex ones and at the end he/she may express his thoughts and feelings through writing.